NYC: 161 6th Avenue, 11th Floor, New York NY 1001

San Francisco: 801 Market Street, San Francisco, CA USA 94102

Texas: 319 S 1st St #22, Temple, TX 76504

Chicago: 625 W Adams St, Chicago, IL USA 60661


Elevating the Digital Presence of a Financial Services Business

A prominent financial services business sought the expertise of Potential Digital to revamp its digital identity. With a desire to establish a modern and professional brand image, the client aimed to enhance its online presence to attract new clients and improve user experience.


WordPress web development

UI/UX Design

Logo Design

➣ WordPress Web Development

➣ Mobile website


  1. Outdated Branding: The client’s existing brand identity lacked cohesion and failed to communicate the company’s values effectively.
  2. Poor Website Design: The website suffered from an outdated design, lack of responsiveness, and navigational issues, resulting in a subpar user experience.
  3. Need for a Fresh Perspective: The client sought a design agency capable of providing innovative solutions to elevate its brand and digital presence.


  1. Conceptual Logo Design:

   – Potential Digital commenced the project by conducting thorough market research to understand the client’s target audience and industry trends.

   – Utilizing their creative expertise, Potential Digital crafted a series of conceptual logo designs that aligned with the client’s vision and brand identity.

   – Through iterative feedback sessions and collaborative discussions, Potential Digital refined the designs until achieving the perfect logo that resonated with the client and captured the essence of their financial services business.


  1. UI/UX Design and Website Development:

   – With the finalized logo in place, Potential Digital transitioned to the next phase of the project: redesigning the client’s website for optimal user experience.

   – Leveraging industry-leading design tools such as Figma, Potential Digital crafted wireframes and prototypes to visualize the website’s layout and functionality.

   – Once the client approved the design mockups, Potential Digital proceeded with the development phase, building a responsive and dynamic website from scratch using the WordPress platform.

   – They customized the website’s theme and integrated essential functionalities to meet the client’s specific requirements, ensuring a seamless user experience across devices.

Results Achieved:

  1. Rejuvenated Brand Identity: The newly designed conceptual logo effectively communicated the client’s values and expertise, instilling confidence among existing clients and attracting potential customers.
  2. Enhanced User Experience: The redesigned website, characterized by intuitive navigation, visually appealing design elements, and responsive layout, resulted in improved user engagement and satisfaction.
  3. Streamlined Digital Presence: Through the collaborative efforts of Potential Digital, the client’s financial services business now boasts a cohesive and professional online presence, positioning them as a trusted authority in the industry.


Potential Digital’s strategic approach to conceptual logo design and website development proved instrumental in transforming the digital presence of the financial services business. By combining innovative design solutions with seamless implementation, Potential Digital successfully addressed the client’s challenges and delivered a robust digital platform that not only reflects the brand’s values but also drives user engagement and business growth.

Want to Revamp Your Existing Investment Management & Hedge Fund Website?


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